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Obsidian Direction

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:11 pm
by skidz
As it happens we have just finished an agreement between JoeScoma mod, the group that brought you the amazing Coop maps for HL2: Deathmatch. As of now we have officially merged to give everyone an even greater HL2 Coop Experience!
The Mod might have a name change but that has still yet to be decided. For the time being feel free to check out the forums and post your comments about our media. The site isn't complete as you might have noticed some of the links on the side do not work. Since those pages will need to be changed to reflect the merger, we are keeping them behind closed doors for now.

On a side note, this site was designed using Firefox, you may find more info about that on the affiliates bar to the right. As such, the site may not look 100% correct on IE or Netscape. Please consider changing to Firefox if not for the security but also for its sexy appearance.