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Is possible make a "intro" video separated of the map?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:58 pm
by MaestraFénix ... f=6&t=3495

Shiftey asked the same question, but no one answered well.

I have some doubts:
  • Imagine that i have ready the map, and you download the map and the video. When the server chooses select the map, it will load the video, and when it finished, it load the map.

    The video would be played in the computer or in the server? (yes, a shit of question, i know).
  • When the video finished, the server can load the map without any signs of lag?
  • All players can start "at same time", or the players that finish first the video will load more faster?

    I have more questions, like why i can´t see in hammer some content of HL2, but in an other moment....

Re: Is possible make a "intro" video separated of the map?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:10 pm
by fug4life
I'd say no,

You can have a .bsp that plays a video file but the quality is crap, I wouldnt consider it an option.
Or you can make a .bsp and have it serve as a map with cinematics, but the players would still need to spawn somewhere and of course you'd need to allow time for the majority of players to load.

Sorry I think only end game videos:

You can create endgame videos, as seen in Half-Life 2: Episode One by creating media/EndGameVids.txt with the relative path and file name (including .avi extension) to it.

EDIT: I think I'm wrong and you cannot, not sure if it is possible with console commands.
Sorry I think that isnt bsp connected, as there are also mod start up videos.

To make the video a feature of a finished game, add a chapter with the following in the cfg file:

startupmenu playendgamevid

Re: Is possible make a "intro" video separated of the map?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:43 pm
by MaestraFénix

Well, one option is gone, maybe the other work....

Thanks Fug.

Re: Is possible make a "intro" video separated of the map?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:36 pm
by Zebra
I would be careful in the usage of these introductions as if anyone who has reviewed the commentary in L4D1 would know, they had to shorten the introduction to No Mercy to around 5 seconds due to how longer introductions had the much unwanted effect of lowering replayability.

Re: Is possible make a "intro" video separated of the map?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:06 pm
by MaestraFénix
Zebra wrote:I would be careful in the usage of these introductions as if anyone who has reviewed the commentary in L4D1 would know, they had to shorten the introduction to No Mercy to around 5 seconds due to how longer introductions had the much unwanted effect of lowering replayability.
Yeah, it´s true. After discard the video option, i planned do a "briefting" in-game, but i decided cut it and explain the "history" in 30 sec.