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The quality of the model is minor after exporting it of 3ds

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:22 pm
by MaestraFénix
First, i must say that i think that this aspect was a illusion, an optical fake. But later i saw that not.

I don´t why, but when i export a model from 3ds to get the SMD´s and compile, the quality is reduced.

I think first that maybe this happens because is a GoldSrc model, but later i saw that happens with all the models.


Left: GoldSrc model. Right: Source model (after exported).


Left: Original model. Right: Model after exported.


Ignore the missing eyes and googles.

Why this happen? It´s a error or is a option that i have checked?

3ds Max 2010. Source Plugins of 3ds Max 2010.

Re: The quality of the model is minor after exporting it of

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:51 pm
by fug4life
something to do with smoothing or smoothing group (random guess)?

Re: The quality of the model is minor after exporting it of

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:51 pm
by Shana
The importer doesn't properly import soothing groups, when you convert the model to editable poly or collapse the stack, they will get lost so you have to redo them on your own.

2nd thing you can do is checking the "alternate normals export method" box when you export the model which keeps the smoothing groups, but only if you haven't converted the model to editable poly or collapsed the stack.

Re: The quality of the model is minor after exporting it of

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:53 pm
by xenoaisam
first model, you forgot to smoothshade poly (in poly properties rollout)

second model, whats problem? (because you say Ignore the missing eyes and googles.)

Re: The quality of the model is minor after exporting it of

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:57 pm
by fug4life
looks at arms or whole model its same problem as first.

Re: The quality of the model is minor after exporting it of

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:58 pm
by MaestraFénix
W0rf0x wrote:The importer doesn't properly import soothing groups, when you convert the model to editable poly or collapse the stack, they will get lost so you have to redo them on your own.

2nd thing you can do is checking the "alternate normals export method" box when you export the model which keeps the smoothing groups, but only if you haven't converted the model to editable poly or collapsed the stack.

Ok, i´ll try that (mother of mercy, i have a lot of work in models, and if i count the campaign....)

EDIT: WOW, 2 messages before my answer. Xeno, in the second image, it´s hard to see, but you can look in the right model a "polygonal" model (look to their tail, hair, body...) and later compare it with the left.

Re: The quality of the model is minor after exporting it of

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:36 pm
by MaestraFénix
W0rf0x wrote:The importer doesn't properly import soothing groups, when you convert the model to editable poly or collapse the stack, they will get lost so you have to redo them on your own.

2nd thing you can do is checking the "alternate normals export method" box when you export the model which keeps the smoothing groups, but only if you haven't converted the model to editable poly or collapsed the stack.
2nd solution worked 100%:


Thankfully that i saved the original smd´s after exporting the models :3