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Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:14 am
by fug4life
firstly get rid of entries 1,2 & 4. It's not really needed to add those to map properties.

Well all I can say is the .bsp I'm getting from your link is named oc abduction. You need to check what name it compiles under in your compiled maps folder.

Are you sure your the file host you added this map to dosen't rename if same name exsists or ignores underscores as charactures?

Try those things,

And try compiling/saving it as a different name in hammer if all those ideas abovefail.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:24 pm

I will try this again once I get home. However, This map started out as :
Office party, then because of the name I went to oc_office_party then because it still would not work I went with oc_officeparty then oc_office then oc_abducted. SO I have went through the naming crap and I don't think it's my naming.......BUT If you are unable to play the map as is, maybe just on your local system....maybe there is something in the way I have uploaded the file. Because my son can copy the file off my flash drive and play the map.

Have you tried palying the map on your local system? I may try to zip the file then upload. :?


Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:58 pm
by fug4life
Yes I Downloaded the map and tried to play, but the map is named:
oc abducted

I honestly think somewhere along the line you've got your maps mixed up! What your telling me is all fine, but you need to check your file names simple as.

oc abducted appeared and oc_abducted dosent exsist.

Firstly check the filenames!

In your obsidian maps folder,
Your saved maps folder?
Your sons,
Your ftp,
Your Servers ftp,
The filename of the file on the filehosting site.

I can't check these things for you, sorry.

And Then,...
I would do the things i've suggested above in my last post, like get rid of entries 1,2 & 4 from map properties save as a new name re-compile &

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:09 pm
Well do.

I just downlaoded it here at work and yes the "_" is gone....I will upload again in zip file format later today.


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:23 am
Ok Fug....try this one

Unzip it to get the oc_abducted.bsp map and tell me if you can play it locally and or if you can load it to a server. And thank you for your help.


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:53 am
by fug4life
This version is ok I can host a listen server on the internet no trouble, sorry i dont have dedicated installed anymore.

So, Have you tried your server with this version?

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:01 am
yes sad to say

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:16 am
by fug4life

Firstly I'd say you need to get sourcemod installed properly if your still trying to use. For when I join your server I can not nominate,votemap or rtv that suggests to me its not up and running.

Or I'd say your still mixing up your mapslist either in your servers obsidian files or in your sourcemod files! one or the other.