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Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:13 pm
by masa0x
I introduce a new map.
Oc_ace is a map to which the air fight is done with the airplane.
This map is collaboration on Mesark to me. :o

I made the mechanism that the object flies first.
"Breen" flies instead of the airplane because the model of the airplane has not existed yet. :lol:

Some screenshot is here.

Various maneuver can be done.
Inmeruman turn and barrel roll, etc.

The field of oc_thunderblade was used in the test.

and.. demo movie is here.
[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]


Re: oc_ace

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:44 pm
by MaestraFénix
Ohh, it promises a lot.

You are worked in the weapons (gun and missiles), how it will work?

If you want "Decent" models of airplanes, say it to me.

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:02 pm
by destiny
as always you know how to suprise us with your maps masa0x.
looking forward to it.

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:43 pm
by 2D
This looks quite Interresting.
I think Models will be not much of a problen, since there a few good Designers here.

Me is particular interested in the mechanics behind this, since this would make a gread addition to the final missions in my campain, when you take down the Cradle and SOLC not only with the flying Airship, but also can launch controlable fighters from it to attack and defend your airship against the everlasting attacks of the nasty Shilone Tactical Bombers.

I would appreciate a little Tuturial about the "know how" here.

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:06 pm
by MaestraFénix
2D wrote:This looks quite Interresting.
I think Models will be not much of a problen, since there a few good Designers here.

Me is particular interested in the mechanics behind this, since this would make a gread addition to the final missions in my campain, when you take down the Cradle and SOLG not only with the flying Airship, but also can launch controlable fighters from it to attack and defend your airship against the everlasting attacks of the nasty Shilone Tactical Bombers.

I would appreciate a little Tuturial about the "know how" here.
For a moment i thought that you´re talking about the enemys of Ace Combat 5/Ace Combat 0. Until i remembered back your campaign XD.

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:13 am
by DisConnected
Dogfight anyone?

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:31 am
by MaestraFénix
DisConnected wrote:Dogfight anyone?
ME. I want play like in Ace Combat.

But until Masa0x dont tell/show the weapons, we cant say if is possible (i can see possible the guns, but for the missiles, i see it very complicated, unless there are a way make a missile aim to a mobile objective without aim the laser alll the time).

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:06 pm
by masa0x
Maestro Fénix wrote:
DisConnected wrote:Dogfight anyone?
ME. I want play like in Ace Combat.

But until Masa0x dont tell/show the weapons, we cant say if is possible (i can see possible the guns, but for the missiles, i see it very complicated, unless there are a way make a missile aim to a mobile objective without aim the laser alll the time).
The machine gun can be easily built in. I have mounted the machine gun on oc_thunderblade in the past. :D
The mechanism of the missile is very difficult as Maestro Fénix is said. However, I have some ideas.
I have not been able to create such weapons systems.
Because I am creating a another map (oc_burnout) and busy at work. :cry:

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:14 pm
by MaestraFénix
Dont worry. We dont have hurry.

About the missiles, do it "fixed" at first time (one trajectory). If we cant find a way to make follow an objective, left it.

What about the planes, you found them? (i want see some planes there).

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:28 pm
by Axel_m3sh
Maestro Fénix wrote:About the missiles, do it "fixed" at first time (one trajectory). If we cant find a way to make follow an objective, left it.
You mean make it fly straight if it can't be laser-guided or something? Just wanted to clarify what you meant lol

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:22 am
by MaestraFénix
Axel_m3sh wrote:
Maestro Fénix wrote:About the missiles, do it "fixed" at first time (one trajectory). If we cant find a way to make follow an objective, left it.
You mean make it fly straight if it can't be laser-guided or something? Just wanted to clarify what you meant lol
That i wanted say. Thanks.

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:06 pm
by destiny
as for straight flying missles didnt he do that in oc_thunderblade with the chopers?

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:00 am
by DisConnected
Droppable Nuke for 2,000 points :D

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:10 pm
by MaestraFénix
status of the map?

It could be an issue the space to fly, but i think that making a "combat zone" like in BF will be fix it.

Re: oc_ace

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:35 am
by masa0x
Maestro Fénix wrote:status of the map?

It could be an issue the space to fly, but i think that making a "combat zone" like in BF will be fix it.
I'm sorry. :cry:
I cannot contact Mesark for the past several months, therefore working progress has stopped.
Continuation of development is hopeless if it is in the current situation.
This map is created by collaboration work with Mesark, work cannot be freely done only by me.
This map is not only my possessions.