I assume you're talking about models\player\Female since it's a female model.
I did point all the vmt's correctly. I'm gonna try with just adding models\player\Female
I have also deleted all the $includemodel except for the basic stuff. I couldn't find any cs_fix.mdl and global_shared.mdl in the obsidian directory so I decided to remove those too.
Adding $cdmaterials "models\player\Male\" or $cdmaterials "models\player\Female\" doesn't work. I'm gonna go thru all the vmt's again but I thought they were correct.
These seem to be alright because the place they are in is called: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\obsidian\materials\models\Player\Zerosuit
Code: Select all
"$baseTexture" "models\Player/Zerosuit/Fit_Nsam_pony"
"$bumpmap" "models\Player/Zerosuit/Fit_Nsam_pony_normal"
"$model" 1
"$halflambert" 1
"$alphatest" 1
"$nodecal" 1
"$nocull" 1
"$phong" "1"
"$ambientocclusiontexture" "models/Player/Zerosuit/flat2"
"$phongexponent" 10
"$phongexponenttexture" "models/Player/Zerosuit/flat2"
"$phongboost" "4"
"$phongfresnelranges" "[0.03 0.015 0.01]"
Code: Select all
"$baseTexture" "models\Player/Zerosuit/Eyeball_right"
"$iris" "models\Player/Zerosuit/rightiris"
"$halflambert" 1
"$nodecal" 1
Code: Select all
"$baseTexture" "models\Player/Zerosuit/rightiris"
"$halflambert" 1
"$nodecal" 1
After some thought I figured that in the code:
Code: Select all
eyeball righteye ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1 -1.300 -3.100 65.160 eyeball_r 1.000 3.100 Fit_Nsam_pony 1.300
eyeball lefteye ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1 1.300 -3.100 65.160 eyeball_l 1.000 -3.100 Fit_Nsam_pony 1.300
eyeball_r and eyeball_l should be Eyeball_right and Eyeball_left?
Well that did the trick.
I don't know why but those two were wrong. The compiler gives a much longer log now and no errors. I'll be back!
Well dick shitting nipples, the model viewer won't show the model! And if I click on the tab "physics" it does show but way to high.
Other models show up fine.
When I go to the "Model" tab it says this:
So I opened the alyx.mdl and it did show up fine but also said Model is: transparent.