[Mini Tutorial] Changing game modes with mapname_cfg.txt

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[Mini Tutorial] Changing game modes with mapname_cfg.txt

Post by fug4life »

Not sure if it qualifies as a tutorial though its handy for people to know.

mapname_cfg.txt's allow you to change game cvars/commands for the individual map and unless specified will overide exsisting cvars/commands.

Save to your maps\cfg folder as mapname_cfg.txt (mapname being the name of the map no.bsp exstension required just the name)

How to add lives gameplay:

Code: Select all

mp_livesoverride "1" 
mp_numlives "5" //Five being the number of lives for each player
How to add Team (vs) gameplay:

Code: Select all

mp_teamoverride "1"
mp_teamplay "1"  
mp_autoteambalance "1"
Some other useful cvars/commands (Note: you can look through the ingame console to find whats available) mainly mp_,sv_ and sk_ commands are all useful.

Code: Select all

mp_friendlyfire "1"
mp_falldamage "0"
mp_flashlight "1" 
mp_footsteps "1" 
mp_timelimit "0:00" //Very useful for maps with no endings
"sv_allowgaussjump" "1"

There are many more, feel free to post any!
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Post by shiftey »

The "mp_" playerspeed commands don't seem to work. Any ideas about that? I want to slow the player's movement down in my cfg but in-game it doesn't work.
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Post by KON_Air »

I finally decided to scrap my map idea start a proper one (view portals are ungodly, no hint, no area portal or func_detail can save it :P) and make a first post.

Those are the ammo codes for HL2 weapons;
"sk_max_pistol" "200"
"sk_max_357" "42"
"sk_max_ar2" "150" -AR2 and CS Rifles
"sk_max_ar2_altfire" "5"
"sk_max_buckshot" "60"
"sk_max_crossbow" "25"
"sk_max_grenade" "7"
"sk_max_rpg_round" "5"
"sk_max_smg1" "300" -Uzi and CS SMGs
"sk_max_smg1_grenade" "10"

-Oc/Missing Ones;
I couldn't find slam and manhack but I am sure they are somewhere...

Edit; Took a while to figure it out :P Slam and Manhacks share sk_max_grenade

"sk_healthcharger" How much health health chargers... charge.
"sk_suitcharger" How much armour chargers charge.
"sk_suitcharger_citadel" How much citadel armour chargers charge.
"sk_suitcharger_citadel_maxarmor" Maximum armour to charge (200)

They seem high but if you are making them non-respawning and scarce I recommend high values;
"sk_healthvial" "30"
"sk_healthkit" "75"
"sk_battery" "25"
Those may get overwritten however when the server changes difficulty according to the number of players.

MP Cvars
"mp_playercollide" "0" - prevents players colliding with each other. Resolves all the telefraggin'.

"mp_bunnyhop" "0" 0 = off, 1 = ep2 style (max speed enforced), 2 = unlimited hop speed. I'm pretty sure most servers leave it at default 0.

"mp_hl1crossbow" "0" or "1"

"monk_headshot_freq" default at 2, makes Grigori even more awesome.

"mp_allowironsights" not that I ever seen that in use...

"sk_vortigaunt_armor_charge_per_token" If you are thinking of making armour charger Vort, please set this higher then default five.

"mp_fadetoblack" = "0" the old fade to black, may add to the atmosphere, but I'm pretty sure it would stick if a player runs out of lives, so don't use in life maps.
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