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5 Models. 1 RAR - My Small Model Pack

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 11:20 pm
by ConTron
I tried my hand at XSI MOD Tool 6, and to be honest its similar to Hammer.

I have made a small model pack that consists of:



If you want me to i could probaly make you a model.

I made these models mainly to get better at XSI, so there not perfect! Please tell me if you find any bugs in them.

If you like it, comment please and if you dont tell me what i could add/improve!


You can use these models in your maps. Just remember to BZip it! XD

A few screenshots




Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:16 am
by fug4life
Well seeing as I can't model its better than anything I could achieve,

Speakers look ok though the scale seems a bit on the B00m side.
The speakers texture is pretty good.

Tyres texturing isn't so hot.

Camera is ok though if its to be mounted to the ceiling or wall a 35 degree angle would suit better.

The others I cant see from screenshots though I'll dl when I get round to it.

I guess if your learning then your doing ok...Good that you released for others that's a big plus+

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:51 am
by JerC

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:14 pm
by ConTron
Yeah, finding decent textures is annoying because just searching tyre textures comes up with tyres standing up

And i will make another camera model with the stand 45 degrees up

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:44 pm
by Blues
Needs moar detail! :runfreeman:
This still looks like brushes and that's not really what modeling is about :P
See, when you could also make something out of brushes very easily (like the speakers or tyres as they look now) then why should you model it?

Not to discourage you, just keep working, you'll get better. ;)
Maybe also look for tutorials and stuff which make it easier to create more complex models. That's my problem, too, for example. I only read about 2 or 3 tutorials on XSI, so I basically found out some things myself after that and I'm still very slow at making decent-looking models. Oh, and I suck at UV-maps, haha.

Edit: Oh, and I'd put stuff like the words 'Dunlop' and 'LOL Industries' in the texture. Doesn't make sense to waste polygons for writing that's normally painted on or engraved in the object.