First of... i will give everyone who makes a translation (only one per language) SVN Write Access (for more informations about how, see the SVN Thread) to the translation area for that langugae, also you will get listed on the Credits for helping us

first of you can get the translations from: svn:// (user: anonsvn pw: anonsvn)
now you will get all the translation folders (and it's files if there is already a translation) and the *_template.txt files which contain everything that is needed to be translated (the rest is in the GCFs etc. so we don't really need it)
for example the mp3player_template.txt looks like:
Code: Select all
"lang" {
"Language" "<template>"
"Tokens" {
"MP3PlayerTitle" "<translate>"
"[english]MP3PlayerTitle" "Valve MP3 Player"
"AddDirectory" "<translate>"
"[english]AddDirectory" "Add Directory..."
"AddGameSongs" "<translate>"
"[english]AddGameSongs" "Add Game Songs"
"RefreshDb" "<translate>"
"[english]RefreshDb" "Refresh directories"
"PlaylistAdd" "<translate>"
"[english]PlaylistAdd" "Add to playlist"
"PlayListRemove" "<translate>"
"[english]PlayListRemove" "Remove from playlist"
"PlayListClear" "<translate>"
"[english]PlayListClear" "Clear playlist"
"PlayListLoad" "<translate>"
"[english]PlayListLoad" "Load playlist..."
"PlayListSave" "<translate>"
"[english]PlayListSave" "Save playlist..."
"MP3Menu" "<translate>"
"[english]MP3Menu" "Options"
"Play" "<translate>"
"[english]Play" "Play"
"Stop" "<translate>"
"[english]Stop" "Stop"
"Next" "<translate>"
"[english]Next" "Next"
"Prev" "<translate>"
"[english]Prev" "Prev"
"Mute" "<translate>"
"[english]Mute" "Mute"
"Shuffle" "<translate>"
"[english]Shuffle" "Shuffle"
"VolumeLabel" "<translate>"
"[english]VolumeLabel" "Volume:"
"NoSong" "<translate>"
"[english]NoSong" "<None>"
"PlayListTab" "<translate>"
"[english]PlayListTab" "Playlist"
"FileListTab" "<translate>"
"[english]FileListTab" "Files"
"PlaySong" "<translate>"
"[english]PlaySong" "Play song"
the filename always need to have this format: mp3player_<language>.txt
(in our example it is mp3player_ but there are many others...)
the <language> and the <template> in the file need to replaced with the language name for example: if you make a german translation those placeholders needs to be replaced with german
this file has a very nice and easy format since there isn't much in there, but it always has the same format, first the translated text, then the orginal (english) one
you need to replace <translate> with the translated text of the english text in the goal language
i would like it that you only change that and leave the rest where it is (makes it easier for me to port it into the mod)
when you are finished Rar or Zip the files together and send them to me via a PM, i will decide then if it's ok and get you then on the rest... (you may get asked for other translations too like the text for the installer from me, i count on you that you will also do those when i ask for it

This should be everything for now... if you have any questions about it, just ask